
Description of Indicator
Poverty can be seen as a gauge of the region’s overall economic health. Examining the poverty rates across different racial and ethnic groups is important as a measure of inequity in the three-county region.

Why is it Important?
Large and persistent disparities are often the result of policies and practices that disadvantaged certain populations. Structural racism, which can be perpetuated by policies and practices, systematically disadvantage and create intersecting challenges and barriers for communities, such as inequitable education, low wages, job and wage discrimination, and lack of access to capital.

How is the Region Performing?
Changes in poverty rate across the counties have varied overall since 2010. Across the three-county region, those identifying as Black or African American have experienced a decrease in poverty rates, though the Black or African American population have some of the highest poverty rates across the three-county region and statewide. Those identifying as American Indian and Alaska Native, and Hispanic or Latino origin (of any race) also continue to have higher poverty rates.