
Description of Indicator
The education indicator depicts the number of residents, along with educational achievement in the region, expressed as a percentage of all residents 25 and older, broken down by gender, race, and ethnicity.

Why is it Important?
An educated population creates a more attractive workforce and is better prepared to instruct the next generation of employees. Often, higher educational attainment positions a region well for long-term growth. Persistent gaps in academic achievement among students of different races, ethnicities, and gender are reflected in levels of educational attainment.

How is the Region Performing or What does it Mean?
All three counties have slightly lower shares of males and females than the state as a whole of those who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher (33.1 percent and 34.4 percent, respectively). In Lackawanna and Luzerne County, lower shares of those identifying as Hispanic or Latino (of any race) have a high school diploma or higher. While in Wayne County a lower percentage of the Black or African American alone population identify as having a high school diploma or higher. In Lackawanna and Luzerne County, less shares of those identifying as Black or African American alone and Hispanic or Latino (of any race) have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher. While in Wayne County, those identifying as Black or African American alone and those identifying as two or more races are less likely to have a bachelor’s degree or higher.