Heart Disease

Description of Indicator
This indicator depicts the rate of heart disease deaths per 100,000 residents in the three counties and Pennsylvania. The rate of death is adjusted for age.

Why is it important?
Heart disease is the most prevalent cause of death among individuals in the United States. Individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, unhealthy diet and exercise habits, and tobacco exposure are at a greater risk of developing heart disease. Tracking data and trends is important to ascertain the health status of our community, the strain on health resources, and the economic impact of a less-than-healthy population.

How is the region performing?
The rate of death caused by heart disease dropped significantly in Luzerne County by 12 percent from 2013 to 2021. Heart disease death rate decreased in Lackawanna County, Luzerne County, and statewide from 2020 to 2021. In Wayne County, the heart disease death rate was higher in 2021 compared to the previous year. All three counties are performing worse than the state as a whole.