Death Rate of Children Under Five

Description of Indicator
The death rate of children under five years old is documented in this indicator. It is measured using crude/age-specific rates per 100,000 residents.

Why is it important?
Mortality rates of this younger population group are crucial in understanding if children are growing and developing, or if there are public health, parental, or other issues affecting young children.

How is the region performing?
The rate of death among children under five years fluctuated since 2012 in all three geographies. Wayne County data was not available. Lackawanna County had the lowest rate of death of children under five years old in the past three years analyzed. In 2014, Luzerne County had the lowest rate of death of children in this age group at 81.4, and rose to 162.0 in 2020, then dropping to 121.2 in 2021.