Rigorous Courses of Study

Description of Indicator
This indicator examines the percentage of the student population participating in Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and college courses in each school district.

Why is it important?
This indicator is important because it reveals the numbers of students applying themselves to work beyond the standard curriculum offered at schools. Students who advance their learning capabilities and take advantage of opportunities to get further ahead in education may lead to the attainment of postsecondary degrees.

How is the region performing?
College course enrollment and AP/IB in Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties increased from the prior year, but such enrollment decreased in Wayne County. This is not yet a trend, but it is important to monitor over time. Students may be choosing other forms of post-secondary education to prepare themselves for careers, and at this point it is difficult to determine if they are deterred by the higher costs of college or attracted to jobs not requiring four-year degrees.