Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Description of the Indicator
The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren indicator measures numbers of grandparents responsible for grandchildren under 18 in a particular geography and within a particular period.

Why is it important?
Similar to single-parent families, grandparents raising their own grandchildren may lack the information about the range of support services, benefits, and policies available to help them fulfill their caregiving roles – particularly if they rely on fixed incomes.

How is the region performing?
In the years reported, Lackawanna County’s lowest estimate of grandparents raising their grandchildren occurred in 2022, at 806. Lackawanna County’s share peaked at 1,330 in 2010 and declined through 2022. Luzerne County has seen a steady increase of grandparents raising grandchildren in the reported years; in 2022 Luzerne County reported almost 2,400 grandparents raising grandchildren. Wayne County’s numbers increased from 2021 to 2022, with the highest total in that period.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
2000 2010 2020 2021 2022
Lackawanna 891 1,330 971 875 806
Luzerne 1,887 2,145 2,338 2,363 2,397
Wayne 255 318 384 365 439
Pennsylvania 80,423 83,611 80,537 79,649 76,317
Source: U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census 2000, 2010 ; American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates – 2020-2022