Health Insurance Coverage

Description of Indicator
This indicator addresses the percentage of residents with health insurance coverage and whether it is considered private or public insurance or enrolled in the Marketplace. The health insurance indicator also addresses the number of enrollees in the managed care program for Pennsylvania’s Medical Assistance recipients called HealthChoices.

Why is it important?
Residents with health insurance plans have the valuable support they need to access dentists and other medical services. The health of the population will continue to improve with these attainable mental health, rehabilitation, or other forms of preventable resources to meet various needs.

How is the region performing?
The percentage of residents in the three counties and Pennsylvania not covered by health insurance was lower in 2010 than in recent years. However, the majority of the area is covered by health insurance, and this has remained relatively consistent since 2020 at around 95 percent. Marketplace plan enrollment data was not available for the counties in the last three years, although the number of enrollees statewide has trended upward from 2020 to 2022. Regarding the number of enrollees in HealthChoices, there was a slight increase in all geographies until 2022 before dropping the following year.