Older Adults Living Alone

Description of the Indicator
The Older Adults Live Alone indicator is a count of seniors ages 65 and up living alone in the region and state.

Why is it important?
The number of elderly residents living alone is an important statistic because this segment of the population may need extra assistance to manage a household and remain healthy and safe.

How is the region performing?
Considering year over year estimates, Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wayne Counties each showed changes of less than 300 individuals. Luzerne County had the largest increase of 289, followed by Wayne County at 254, and then Lackawanna at 190. The region in total had an increase of older adults living alone (at 733). The state’s number also increased by 21,554.

Older Adults Living Alone
1990 2000 2010 2020 2021 2022
Lackawanna 13,469 13,529 12,200 13,360 13,170 13,360
Luzerne 20,976 20,846 18,883 19,841 19,470 19,759
Wayne 1,724 2,233 2,531 3,130 2,965 3,219
Pennsylvania 526,264 555,374 572,625 673,093 669,212 690,766
Source: U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 ; American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates – 2021 and 2022