Hate Crimes Data

Description of Indicator
The hate crimes report data indicator tracks the number of reported crimes against people as well as the bias motivation that is reported.

Why is it Important?
Hate crimes have adverse physical and psychological effects on their victims. In addition, crime detracts from the quality of life of those who directly experience and witness it, but it also impacts the lives of others within the community, as well as housing stability, and a community’s attractiveness as a place to live, work, and do business. This indicator provides insight into additional support and services necessary to mitigate the ill effects of hate crime victimization.

How is the Region Performing or What does it Mean?
Both Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties experienced an increase in hate crime reports from 2019. Pennsylvania overall had 275 reported hate crimes in 2023, compared to 83 in 2019. Across the three-county region, from 2019-2023, most hate crimes bias motivation was related to race/ethnicity/ancestry (48.5 percent) and religion (21.2 percent). Similarly, most Pennsylvania hate crime reports were related to those two bias motives.