LGTBQ+ Community Data

Description of Indicator
The LGTBQ+ community data indicator depicts the percentage of Pennsylvanians who identify themselves as LGTBQ+, also broken down by age, those in the workforce, and those who are raising children. This indicator also tracks critical metrics such as the percentage of the LGBTQ+ population who feel Respected in their LGBTQIA+ Identity, receive the social and emotional support they need, and lifetime experiences.

Why is it Important?
LGBTQ people, like other minorities and marginalized groups, face disparities in economic status, health, and other outcomes. Collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity helps identify what those specific disparities are, which is a vital first step to addressing those disparities.

How is the Region Performing?
Of those individuals in Pennsylvania who identify as LGBTQIA+, 55.7 percent often or always feel respected in their LGBTQIA+ identify, while 29.8 percent only sometimes feel respected. And only 10.3 percent of the LGBTQIA+ population feel they always receive the social and emotional support they need, while 32.6 percent say they often do, and 35.8 percent report they only sometimes receive the social and emotional support they need. A large portion of the LGBTQIA+ population have experienced discrimination based on their LGBTQ status (62.4 percent), had thoughts of suicide (50.6 percent), or thoughts of self-harm (48.0 percent) over their lifetime.