Disability Status

Individuals with Disabilities
Description of Indicator
The number and percentage of individuals with a disability are represented in this indicator. The U.S. Census Bureau categorizes disability status into six types: hearing, vision, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, and independent living.

Why is it important?
An essential aspect of building a safe and inclusive environment is being aware of the different types of disabilities and difficulties with mobility, daily tasks, or other health factors. Communities become resilient through education and making accommodations for those with disabilities throughout various settings.

How is the region performing?
The percentage of individuals with a disability since 2020 decreased slightly in Luzerne and Wayne Counties, not accounting for 2010 in Wayne County as data was not available. Conversely, the proportion of the population in Lackawanna County trended upward after 2010. The percentage of individuals with at least one disability living in the three counties was consistently higher than in Pennsylvania. In the three-county region for 2022, a higher percentage of residents indicated they have an ambulatory disability at 26 percent, followed by a cognitive disability at 20 percent.