Academic research

Description of Indicator
This indicator reports research staff and spending across 11 academic institutions and three satellite campuses.

Why is it important?
Academic research can highlight issues that are prevalent in society while simultaneously assisting the growth of regional businesses and contributing to the development of students.

How is the region performing?
Higher education institutions employed three staff members in dedicated research roles, and an additional 35 graduate assistants in research roles in 2022. Furthermore, expenses spent on research activities totaled nearly $5 million, including more than $1 million in salary and wages for staff positions fully or partially engaged in research.

Academic Research
Total Institutions 14
Total Research Staff 3
Research Staff- Full Time 2
Research Staff – Part Time 1
Research Graduate Assistants 35
Research Expenses $4,933,818
Salary/Wage Expenses $1,173,205
Source: IPEDS