STEM Industries

Description of Indicator
This indicator shows the industries with the largest numbers of employees in the three STEM occupation categories.

Why is it important?
STEM-based industries facilitate the creation of new technologies, products, and services that stimulate economic activity.

How is the region performing?
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services had the highest number of STEM jobs as well as the highest percentage of its workforce in STEM occupations. It was followed by the Computer Systems Design and Related Services Industry and the Computing Infrastructure, Data Processing, Hosting, and Related Services industry.

Lackawanna, Luzerne, and Wayne County Employment in STEM-Focused Industries: 2023
Industry STEM Job Employment Total Employment Percent STEM Employment
Architectural, Engineering, and Related Services 997 1,713 58%
Computer Systems Design and Related Services 817 1,450 56%
Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services 562 1,423 39%
Employment Services 376 5,520 7%
Management of Companies and Enterprises 481 2,970 16%
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 345 1,384 25%
Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools 298 5,078 6%
Insurance Carriers 263 2,162 12%
Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support 264 6,073 4%
Depository Credit Intermediation 240 3,225 7%
Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities 223 2,804 8%
Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 53 1,177 5%
Plastics Product Manufacturing 193 3,797 5%
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing 215 1,630 13%
Warehousing and Storage 216 18,593 1%
Source: Chmura Economics